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With regards to my participation in the Transylvania 100 (‘the event’ or ‘race’), I agree to this waiver and release I understand, acknowledge and agree that:
  • I agree to carry all the stipulated compulsory equipment (as listed in this disclaimer) with me throughout the duration of the race and understand that failure to do so will result in disqualification or time penalties;
  • I am at least 18 years of age on race day and have read;
  • understood and agree to all the rules, terms and conditions as stated on the race website:;
  • the nature of the races includes running on mountainous terrain and as such are liable to changing and severe weather conditions (rain, snow, hail, sunshine, low cloud, mist, high winds);
  • the routes are undeveloped and rugged with risks which include but are not limited to steep ascents and descents, loose rocks, mud, wet slippery tree roots and rocks, stream crossings, alpine ridges, high exposure, snow and ice;
  • some of the routes will use roads, paths, tracks and trails open to public users, which include walkers, farm workers, vehicles, livestock, shepherds and their dogs. Other risks may include, but are not limited to, encounters with animals, reptiles and insects;
  • I acknowledge and agree to extend due care and courtesy to all users during the event;
  • whilst I will be using mostly established trail paths, I need to be aware of the race route and will navigate using the map provided by the event organizers;
  • as part of my race entry registration, I have submitted true and honest statements regarding my experience of competing in other ultra-distance and mountain running navigation events;
  • participation in such an event carries with it certain inherent risks and dangers that cannot be completely eliminated, ranging from risk of minor injuries to catastrophic injuries including permanent disability and death;
  • I assume full and complete risk and responsibility for any injury or accident that may occur during the event, while travelling to or from the event, or while on the premises of the event;
  • the compulsory equipment stipulated in the race rules is necessary for my own safety during the races;
  • I agree to carry all the stipulated compulsory equipment with me throughout the duration of the race and understand that failure to do so will result in disqualification from the race;
  • I follow the route through all checkpoints in the order given and understand that taking any short-cuts between checkpoints will result in disqualification;
  • I am medically able to participate in such a race, have trained sufficiently for such an event and am physically fit in order to compete safely and look after myself on the trail. Any medical condition I may have has been declared to the event organizers (Asociatia Transilvania 100) and I have no medical condition that would make my participation more hazardous;
  • I consent to medical care and transportation in order to obtain treatment in the event of injury and understand that this Agreement and Waiver extends to any liability arising out of, or in any way connected with, the medical treatment and transportation provided in the event of an emergency and/ or injury;
  • the organizer, checkpoint official or medical officer reserves the right to stop me from participation due to serious injury or illness;
  • should I wish to retire from the race, I must inform a race official immediately (at a checkpoint or by calling the HQ/ Emergency number found on the official race map). I agree to pay any and all costs incurred for a search and rescue operation, should I fail to inform a race official immediately of my withdrawal;
  • I understand that once withdrawn, this decision cannot be reversed. I understand that I am responsible for my own repatriation (with help from race officials where possible) and subsequent actions after withdrawing;
  • I observe and obey all rules and warnings, to follow any instructions or directions provided to me by the event organizer and to abide by any decision of any race official related to my ability to safely participate in the race without complaint or recompense;
  • participation in the Transylvania 100 races is a potentially dangerous activity and am fully aware of the risks involved;
  • I accept all responsibilities associated with competing in this event, including but not limited to, risks of injury, permanent injury, loss and death due to falls, obstacles, contact with other participants or animals, acts or omissions of other participants; effects of the weather (hyperthermia, cold, hypo-glycaemia, dehydration, sunburn, sunstroke, heatstroke, cramp, rain, snow, ice, high winds), traffic and the condition of any road, track or trail;
  • neither the event organizer nor anyone working for the race is responsible for any personal item or property that is lost, damaged or stolen during the event;
  • I grant permission for the race organizers to use any and all images or film (video/ moving content) of me captured during the race and allow these images to be used in marketing materials including but not limited to online, print and broadcast media;
  • the event organizer (Asociatia Transilvania 100) reserves the right to cancel or amend the Event in the event of weather (including, but not limited to, snow, heat, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires, storms, lightning and floods), accidents, acts of war or terrorism, military conflicts or riots or for any reason that would affect the safety and security of race participants and spectators. In the event of such cancellation, there will be no refund of your payment;
  • I agree to release Asociatia Transilvania 100 and its staff, officials, representatives, affiliates, sponsors and volunteers from any and all liability, claims, demands, negligence, actions, and causes of actions whatsoever for any loss, claim, damage, injury, illness, legal fees or action arising out of my participation in Transylvania 100 races. This release extends to any claim made by my family, estate, heirs, or assigns arising from or in any way connected with the aforementioned activities.
I acknowledge that participation in any of the Transylvania 100 series of races is on condition of my carrying the following mandatory equipment:
For ALL race distances, as follows:
     - race number with CHIP (provided at registration);
     - printed race map & resealing bag (provided at registration);
     - compass (watch or mobile phone compass are accepted too);
     - footwear suitable for high-level mountain running (road-running shoes are not acceptable);
     - headtorch (not applicable for 20k);
     - a personal cup (min. 150 ml) for liquids at checkpoints (no disposable cups at checkpoints are provided);
     - water reservoir with a minimum capacity of 0.7 litre;
     - rucksack/ backpack/ vest/ belt (with fully waterproof liner or with rain cover recommended);
     - foil survival bag (recommended) or foil survival blanket;
     - waterproof jacket with hood (with taped seams recommended);
     - long-sleeved warm top (cotton excluded);
     - long legged trousers or race leggings/tights or a combination of shorts and compression calf gaiters which covers the legs completely;
     - hat or neckwarmer or cap (warm and waterproof hat strongly recommended);
     - gloves (waterproof strongly recommended);
     - mobile phone, fully charged at start time;
     - first aid kit (crepe-sling bandage, wound bandage, 4 x adhesive plasters, 4 x safety pins);
     - emergency food - 800 kcal (4 gels or energizing bars);
                                     - 400 kcal for 30k and 20k;
     - 100 RON – Romanian currency (not applicable for 20k).
For 80k & 100k race distances only:
     - GPS device, watch or mobile phone with GPS app with battery life or re-charge pack suitable for likely event duration;
    - additional headtorch batteries;
     - waterproof over-trousers (with taped seams recommended);
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